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Came Back

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In The Name OF Allah
Al-Salam Alekum

Hello guys, I came back after being offline.
I hope you are doing well.
I didn’t want to come back with empty hands so I have a joke for you:

Nasradeens Town

Nasradeen is a man who lives somewhere in a town, this towns people were very helpful to each other. But there were a woman who people will not see, because when she see's a person, she starts asking to borrow something and won’t give it back to its owners.
One day Nasradeen was asleep, he woke up to someone  knocking on his door, when he went out he saw a woman Sad, Nasradeen opened the door.
“Woman”: I need a donkey to go buy something and, I don’t have a Donkey.  I saw your donkey last night, so Can I borrow your Donkey?!
“Nasradeen” (Knew that if he gives her his donkey she won’t bring it back) said: I’m sorry my wife went out and she got the Donkey, if it was here I would lend it to you.
While Nasradeen was talking the Donkey brayed, so the woman became angry, she said: Don’t you have any shame?! You are lying! I heard the donkey Smile .
“Nasradeen” angrily said: you, Don’t you have any shame?! Do you believe a donkey over your neighbors?! Smile Smile Smile   hhhhhhh
LOL Guys when someone comes to take your Donkey, First go and put something inside the donkeys mouth so that you can start lying as you like. Smile hhhhh
And I took this Photo for you, I took it quickly so I’m sorry it’s less quality than the others.

[Image: p_562m8zlr1.jpg]

Wa Salam Alekum
* Thankful to Allah *

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