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In The Name OF Allah
Al-Salam Alekum

[Image: 6143dNX-g9L.png]

How are you guys?!! As schools are closed due to the Coronavirus, most of us are staying at home. I wanna tell you a story from back at school and you can also tell your funny stories Smile 

Well, you know that each lecture or lesson the professor or teacher begins by reading and calling student’s names to know who is present and who is absent. One of our male friends were absent, so they called him on the phone and asked him to stay on until the professor called on him. Big Grin When his turn came the professor called him. Then, loudly through the phone speaker he said "Am Available" hahhahah

It was funny and everyone started laughing, but our professor’s face turned red and became very angry and he started complaining Smile

Anyway! I'm awaiting yours Smile

Thank you, Stay happy and Healthy

Wa Salam Alekum