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Security and Privacy

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[Image: depositphotos_197684594-stock-video-hack...-noise.jpg]

    Security and Privacy, two concepts that most average internet users tend to overlook, at least to some extent. Privacy has become a big issue in the last several years; especially, concerning Net Neutrality, ad campaigns, and major data breaches like the Equifax breach. So certain measures can be taken to ensure to a comfortable percentage some measure of safety.

1. The first would be using a virtual OS or a VM OS as the base platform. This is good if you want a machine that is "separate" from your main rig. You can also configure it to ensure further security, although, there are still methods that can be utilized to reveal your IP. Remember this if you intend to use a VM as a virtual lab for malware testing. While there are still ways to isolate even malware like WannaCry, safety and insurance should always be a top priority.

2. The second element to this equation, would be VPNs [Virtual Private Network]. This where your traffic is put through a tunnel instead of the main internet. Any data that you move will be encrypted, and any packets that get intercepted will be impossible to decipher unless the attacker has the encryption key. A VPN alongside a Virtual OS is as a good a start as any. Also, thinking back to the first point, there are ways to reveal your IP if you are using a VM, but using a VPN alongside it is a good way to reveal your VPNs' IP and not yours. A good VPN is typically a paid one, with Windscribe being an excellent choice as it is built on proxy.

3. The third and final point is Tor. [THE HELLGATES TO THE DEEPWEB] Just kidding, Tor is a good browser; its secure and private, and all data is encrypted that is moved to and fro your machine. Its a good barrier against traffic analysis, and a preferred platform over services like Google.

    So, all in all, here is where we are at:

VM-OS >>>> VPN >>>> Tor [or some other secure browser.]

Surf Safely.

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(This post was last modified: 09-03-2018, 02:10 PM by Mad-Architect.)

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