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How did you spend your last days of 2019?

2 Replies, 4614 Views

(06-25-2021, 01:37 PM)tgodtaylor Wrote: I got scammed multiple times.
2019 was a hell ride. I got scammed about 20 thausend euros.
Half of it from the german state because they are suckers and the other half on friends/fake-friends/fake-bitch.
Then I got bullied and somebody told the Police I'm dealing drugs. Yes it was lied. They searched me and cashed me, had to pay nothing but this will follow me the next 15 years.

Never trust blindly people.
Never trust anyone even not yourself.
Never spend your funds, they should stay safu, lel.

2020 wasn't great too. Not only Corona started, I lost everything. Changed home, now I got no money every month. Nice.

Wa Salam Alekum brother
Ohh sadly for what you have gone through. Internet is something you can't really trust.

People are the same. I have seen many reputable people around I expect every good things from him not only that... What matters you are alive and you know them for forever...

I hope 2021 be best for you.
* Thankful to Allah *

Messages In This Thread
RE: How did you spend your last days of 2019? - by tgodtaylor - 06-25-2021, 01:37 PM
RE: How did you spend your last days of 2019? - by Mr.Kurd - 06-26-2021, 02:48 PM

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