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New Guy (Bad_Luck)

3 Replies, 2369 Views

Yup, that's right - I finally got onto RedSec. Took me a while to get myself to do it but here I am.
My alias is ıllıllıBAD_LUCKıllıllı for reasons all self-explanatory, I happen to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.
However recently these occurrences have been quite amusing, so really I'm there at the perfect time. A bit cliche I know. 

ANYWAYS, I want to learn. Learn about this chaotic hellish paradise I like to call the Internet, and get to know the hidden cracks - just to be safe. I don't know a great deal about code but I do understand computers systems and the networks that we walk through in our daily lives. Besides I'm here to learn. I know Python and a bit of JavaScript but I have started a Computer Sciences degree course in school so hopefully I should be able to catch up.

With this in mind I'm a good informant, I tend to know a lot about the world in terms of politics and society since I find this world rather confusing. I observe, inform and finally predict what's going to happen next. Maybe change what's going to happen next If I can. All part of the game.

Other aliases: SEER, Remnant, TheRenegade
(This post was last modified: 08-30-2017, 09:03 PM by ıllıllı BAD_LUCKıllıllı.)

Messages In This Thread
New Guy (Bad_Luck) - by ıllıllı BAD_LUCKıllıllı - 08-30-2017, 08:50 PM
RE: New Guy (Bad_Luck) - by Mr.Kurd - 08-30-2017, 09:38 PM
RE: New Guy (Bad_Luck) - by Mr.Kurd - 09-01-2017, 05:49 AM

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