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5 Replies, 6916 Views

Do you think this is possible to happen?
Are you friendly with it?

I like this ideology a lot (tho I dont think it can really happen or even if it does, won't last)
Why i think it wouldn't work? Privatised Police or Law enforcers won't be impartial at all, so either it'll be chaos or a fake state run by the owner.

Also you can choose to don't legitimise the police, chaos again.
(This post was last modified: 05-19-2017, 11:28 AM by Lakestores.)
What is Arnarcho?!
And about that, yeah they will never impartial, You will always see militias and
special forces for people and
officials, and that will make them
above the law and will burn The poor people
among them.
* Thankful to Allah *
Thought I wrote wrong but no lol
(05-18-2017, 06:00 PM)Lakestores Wrote: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anarcho-capitalism
Thought I wrote wrong but no lol

Ahh the name is wrong Smile
You can edit it.
* Thankful to Allah *
Keep your hat so as not to fly with the air.
Actually I'm not with that because we are inside same boat, If anyone one made a mistake he/she will make us nearer of death.
So working for yourself won't help you today, We have to work together to bypass the dangerous.
See you know why climate change happening, it because someone who have company won't stop it or limit its producing to limit its effect on nature.
Maybe I'm wrong but that is my opinion about personally working.
* Thankful to Allah *
(05-18-2017, 02:41 PM)Lakestores Wrote: Do you think this is possible to happen?
Are you friendly with it?

I like this ideology a lot (tho I dont think it can really happen or even if it does, won't last)
Why i think it wouldn't work? Privatised Police or Law enforcers won't be impartial at all, so either it'll be chaos or a fake state run by the owner.

Also you can choose to don't legitimise the police, chaos again.

yes, though i think there is much misunderstanding on what this would be like.
Anarcho capitalism does have historical precedent, and is present whenever the businessman is more powerful than the law (such is the case for most of american history). jamestown, the first american settlement began as a business venture to capitalize on free land resources to produce products. This theme repeats several times with men such as Hershey and Ford both having built city establishments which the company owned every asset in complete monopoly. A similar thing still happens today in the hospitality industry. Disney still operates this way. 

These sort of operations can be considered a classical history of anarcho capitalism in america which continues to this day as tradition.

There is a few prime issues with the concept as it is popularly portrayed
1. There is no AnCap thesis yet published that is definitive. 
2. The majority can not understand how it can be achieved because they see the existence of the state as paradoxical
3. Capitalism itself has found it's groove and most of the worlds production relies on public relations between an isolated productive economy (China), and an internationalized deficit bearing currency (the us dollar). The truth is all major industrial activity and automated machinery is most effectively produced by the communist parties governing large populations. Capitalism has integrated communism to reduce overhead on working capital, real capital, etc.. an AnCap network with presupposed anti-state anti-communist ideals must face the issue of providing self sustainability aka an isolated market. something which has only ever been successfully achieved by china, which has a massive population to back it up. Self sustainability in this case includes
1. native currency establishment with intense GDP artificial or otherwise
2. modern supply chain and international shipping of export
3. The ability to hide the location and whereabouts of relevant property from foreign states and political enemies as well as complete anonymity with every action ever to be carried out under this initiative (there is no land left that is free and therefore such an operation will be threatened by international espionage laws)

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