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Guideline To Python Course

0 Replies, 29570 Views

About Course:

        Hi everyone, I hope you all are doing well. In this thread I will give an overview of the course of Python that we have started. This course consists of python concepts with code examples and we also upload real life projects for better understanding. This course starts from basic and we are uploading more threads about advanced programming.  I have given numbers to each topic if you are new and want to start from the basics, so here is how to start this course.


[*]Python 1: Python for Beginners
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-begineers

[*]Python 2: Basic Concept
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...c-Concepts

[*]Python 3: Basic Operations and variables
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-variables

[*]Python 4: Comments in Python
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-in-Python

[*]Python 5: Taking Input From User & Concatenation
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...catenation

[*]Python 6: Boolean and Comparisons
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...omparisons

[*]Amazing Python Program
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-beginners

[*]Python 7: Boolean Operators
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-Operators

[*]Python 8: Loops in Python
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-in-Python

[*]Python 9: Nested loops and Basic Patterns
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...c-Patterns

[*]Python 10: Advanced Patterns
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...d-Patterns

[*]Python 11: Python Lists
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...thon-Lists

[*]Python 12: Functions
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-Functions

[*]Python beginner's project (Quiz Game)
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-Quiz-Game

Python Data Structures

[*]Python 2.1: Dictionaries
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...ctionaries

[*]Python 2.2: Python Tuples
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...hon-Tuples

[*]Python 2.3: Sets
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...n-2-3-Sets

Functional Programming

[*]Python 2.4:Functional Programming
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...rogramming

[*]Python 2.5: Pure Functions
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-Functions

[*]Python 2.6: Lambda and Map Functions
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-Functions

[*]Python 2.7: Filter Function with example
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...th-example

[*]Python 2.8: Generators with Example
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...th-Example

[*]Python 2.9: Decorators
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...Decorators

[*]Python 2.10: Recursion
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-Recursion

[*]Reverse a string Using Recursion
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...ion-Python


[*]Python 3.1: OOP
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...on-3-1-OOP

[*]Python 3.2: Inheritance in Python
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-in-Python

[*]Python 3.3: Operator Overloading
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...verloading

[*]Python 3.4: Encapsulation and Abstraction
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...bstraction

[*]Python 3.5: Class Methods
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...ss-Methods

[*]Methods, Class Methods & Static Method Example
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Help-...od-Example

One step towards Advance Programming

[*]Turtle in Python
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-in-Python

[*]Exceptions in Python
Src: https://redsecurity.info/cc/Thread-Tutor...-in-Python

More threads are coming And the course is still continuing...
Love me like you do Heart
(This post was last modified: 06-08-2022, 09:57 PM by Covid-19.)

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