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New Android Cookie-Stealing Malware Found Hijacking Facebook Accounts

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In The Name OF Allah
Al-Salam Alekum

[Image: android-cookie-stealing-malware.jpg]

Well, Your android device is not secure Big Grin  and actually you can't secure it until protecting it manually, like don't visit every random website and don't install useless or new apps.

Quote:A new simple but dangerous strain of Android malware has been found in the wild that steals users' authentication cookies from the web browsing and other apps, including Chrome and Facebook, installed on the compromised devices.

Dubbed "Cookiethief" by Kaspersky researchers, the Trojan works by acquiring superuser root rights on the target device, and subsequently, transfer stolen cookies to a remote command-and-control (C2) server operated by attackers.

"This abuse technique is possible not because of a vulnerability in the Facebook app or browser itself," Kaspersky researchers said. "Malware could steal cookie files of any website from other apps in the same way and achieve similar results."

The Source

Wa Salam Alekum
* Thankful to Allah *

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